Monday, December 21, 2009

Pretty in pink

We got Paisley's new fashion accessory today, it's really pink! The Orthopedic Doc will x-ray it again in two weeks to make sure it's doing ok. If everything looks good she will only have to have it on for 4 weeks. It's sad, but she still looks really cute to us! She is handling it pretty good for now, other than she's totally bored not being mobile at all. It might be a long 4 weeks!

She loves having her picture taken, she was all smiles for these!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

When it rains, it pours...

So, if being too sick to celebrate her b-day wasn't enough, Paisley got really sick on Monday, had a temp of 103 for two days, had an ear infection, and was throwing up, couldn't keep anything down. She started an antibiotic on Wednesday and was finally feeling somewhat normal for the first time today. Well, it was just too good to be true. We had a small accident at our house today, Jackson was trying to be helpful and was carrying Paisley when he tripped on a toy and fell, bonking Paisley's head on a wooden rocking chair and landing on top of her. She cried like I've never heard her cry before, and after about 2 hours we realized it wasn't just the goose egg on her head that was hurting her. We went to the instacare and learned that she has a broken femur. Wow! what next! I feel almost just as bad for Jackson who is feeling very terrible about this whole thing.

This is her temporary splint, we go to an ortho on Monday to get a cast. All I can say is, they'd better have pink or purple for my little princess!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Paisley is one year old!!!

I can't believe my baby is already one year old! This last year has gone by way too fast. She has always been such a good baby and we have loved every second we've had her. She is absolutely adored by her older brothers and sister. She's definitely the princess at our house. Paisley was really sick on her actual birthday which was the 11th, so we celebrated on the 12th (so sad!).

This is Paisley on her actual birthday, not much for a party! Poor baby : (
She LOVES this rocking horse from Grandma, she can totally do it herself!
We forgot to have her open the present from us, so here she is on Sunday morning opening it. (I know, we're totally retarded!)
She had more fun with the paper than the toy!

Enjoying her teddy bear cake (really she mostly played in it and didn't eat much since she was still not feeling great)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Krew!

I can't believe it, where has the last year gone? Krew turned 3 on Saturday, and it feels like yesterday that he turned 2. The only thing he wanted for his birthday was a blue 4 wheeler, and a blue 4 wheeler cake. Well, a red 4 wheeler is what he got and I attempted a blue 4 wheeler cake, and thank goodness he loved it. Krew is such a funny kid and keeps us on our toes with his mischief, but we sure do love him, and can't believe he's already 3.

For some reason, Krew is always taking off his clothes. We were lucky he had pants on for this picture.

As you can see, he loved his new 4 wheeler so much that he thought he was going to sleep on it that night. Sure, why not? he sat on it and watched TV earlier. Looks comfy doesn't it?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

My crazy girlfriends talked me into going to premier night of New Moon and even talked me into wearing the shirt. I actually ended up having a way fun time and I'm so glad I went. Megan made it possible for us to go the private screening at 9:30 which was so awesome! It was seriously VIP treatment, no standing out in the cold. We got to wait inside, in our seats, and only showed up an hour before it started. I had so much fun, let's do it again! Of course anything I do with these girls is awesome!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Halloween...better late than never (right?)

It has taken me forever to post this, it's amazing how busy life has become for us lately. We had a fun and busy Halloween this year, first the trunk or treat with our ward, then the school dress-up day, and then actual Halloween day, so the kids got to wear their costumes 3 times, which they loved. In case you're wondering...Abby and Jackson were both Ninjas, Krew was a pirate and Paisley was a witch.

Ready for Trick-or-Treating!

Everyone started out excited to carve pumpkins, and Paisley was happy to sit and eat rocks. But, as you can see, not too long after we started, it ended up being a one man show, the man being Darren.

A & J at the school Halloween Parade
Krew at the Trunk-or-Treat
Darren (in his awesome green suit) and Paisley who was sick and didn't feel good
Krew, Nixon, and Parker ( We should have dressed them up like the 3 musketeers)

I seriously have the best girlfriends ever! Aren't they cute!?!? I love them.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Coming Soon...

I just realized I haven't posted any Halloween pictures. As soon as I get the chance I'll make a new post! Sorry to be so boring!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


As beautiful as the change of seasons can be, it always brings mixed emotions for me. I love how pretty the fall colors are, and the first snow of the season is so fun, but I am so sad that summer is officially over. I love the hot weather, especially for running. Bundling up to go run in the cold just isn't the same as throwing on a tank and shorts and hearing the birds chirp the whole time. Anyway, we drove the Alpine loop a couple weeks ago and this is the view we took in. Gorgeous!

Hogle Zoo

The kids had school off on Friday, Sept 25th so I thought it would be fun to go see all the baby animals at the zoo. There was a baby elephant, giraffe, tigers, and a crocodile. I don't ever remember seeing that many babies there before. We had a great time. Megan and her kids came which made it even more fun. But as adults, we were definitely outnumbered. Only two mom's and 8 kids! Phew! It's a little crazy anytime we all venture out together, but well worth it to be with our best friends! Love you guys!!! Once again, as you can tell, Jackson was a peach for pictures.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Pictures!! Yay!

Just a quick shout out to our awesome friend Dave Broberg for our new pictures! We love them. Thanks Dave!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Check back in a week or so...we are getting family pictures taken this Saturday!  Wish me luck, you can see from the back to school pics just how cooperative Jackson can be!

The First Day of School!

So, you can see by the pictures just how excited Jackson was to start school.  If anything gets in the way of his play he is not a happy camper!  He took off that morning and wouldn't let me walk him to school, while Abby on the other hand, who is in 6th grade insisted I walk her to her class.  I was completely lost that morning, my house was clean and way too quiet.  I sure enjoyed having them home this summer and was sad to see it end.  I kept wishing Abby was out in front with her sno cone stand and all the neighbor kids hanging out on the driveway.  I realized just how lonely I will be when all my kids are in school :(

Just because...

These are just some cute snapshots of the sweetest baby ever! (I am so in love with her!) and my crazy little Krew.
This is probably my favorite picture ever of her, I love her cute teeth!
She is usually so happy and smiles anytime you talk to her!  Such a sweetheart!
Krew has adopted Darren's old dirt bike helmet for his bike helmet and wears it ALL the time, I don't know how he can stand it! It looks so hot!