Saturday, October 10, 2009


As beautiful as the change of seasons can be, it always brings mixed emotions for me. I love how pretty the fall colors are, and the first snow of the season is so fun, but I am so sad that summer is officially over. I love the hot weather, especially for running. Bundling up to go run in the cold just isn't the same as throwing on a tank and shorts and hearing the birds chirp the whole time. Anyway, we drove the Alpine loop a couple weeks ago and this is the view we took in. Gorgeous!

Hogle Zoo

The kids had school off on Friday, Sept 25th so I thought it would be fun to go see all the baby animals at the zoo. There was a baby elephant, giraffe, tigers, and a crocodile. I don't ever remember seeing that many babies there before. We had a great time. Megan and her kids came which made it even more fun. But as adults, we were definitely outnumbered. Only two mom's and 8 kids! Phew! It's a little crazy anytime we all venture out together, but well worth it to be with our best friends! Love you guys!!! Once again, as you can tell, Jackson was a peach for pictures.