Friday, August 21, 2009

The First Day of School!

So, you can see by the pictures just how excited Jackson was to start school.  If anything gets in the way of his play he is not a happy camper!  He took off that morning and wouldn't let me walk him to school, while Abby on the other hand, who is in 6th grade insisted I walk her to her class.  I was completely lost that morning, my house was clean and way too quiet.  I sure enjoyed having them home this summer and was sad to see it end.  I kept wishing Abby was out in front with her sno cone stand and all the neighbor kids hanging out on the driveway.  I realized just how lonely I will be when all my kids are in school :(


Angie Stewart Black said...

Oh my gosh...Jackson seriously cracks me up. I love his looks. So funny. And Paisley....what an absolute DOLL. So so so cute. I love that picture of her grabbing her feet. I would be totally in love with her too if she were mine. Can't wait to see the family pics!!!

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

That last picture of Jackson with the backpack over his face is just too great! LOL!