Saturday, December 19, 2009

When it rains, it pours...

So, if being too sick to celebrate her b-day wasn't enough, Paisley got really sick on Monday, had a temp of 103 for two days, had an ear infection, and was throwing up, couldn't keep anything down. She started an antibiotic on Wednesday and was finally feeling somewhat normal for the first time today. Well, it was just too good to be true. We had a small accident at our house today, Jackson was trying to be helpful and was carrying Paisley when he tripped on a toy and fell, bonking Paisley's head on a wooden rocking chair and landing on top of her. She cried like I've never heard her cry before, and after about 2 hours we realized it wasn't just the goose egg on her head that was hurting her. We went to the instacare and learned that she has a broken femur. Wow! what next! I feel almost just as bad for Jackson who is feeling very terrible about this whole thing.

This is her temporary splint, we go to an ortho on Monday to get a cast. All I can say is, they'd better have pink or purple for my little princess!


Tonya Mae Wilson said...

Oh, gosh, that makes me sick! I feel SO bad for her!! Anything we can do?? We will remember her in our prayers... I just feel SO BAD. :( That poor, sweet little girl... Loves and kisses to her for us...

Auntie T

Angie Stewart Black said...

Oh poor little girl! I can't imagine how painful that must have been for her. Poor thing! It's no fun when they get injured :( Good luck with the healing process!

Hey I have a funeral I have to go to up there in Springville on Tuesday afternoon. Maybe I can come by and see you guys? I will call you on Monday night to see if you have plans or not! Take care of that precious little girl!

The Cope Family said...

I am so sorry. That is aweful. Hope she will feel better soon. How scary to break her femur those are so dangerous. Thank goodness we have never had a broken bone over here yet. Iam sure our time is about to come though. Let us know if you need anything. Hopefully you can have a yummy breakfast in the morning. lol Good luck.

Heather said...

OH MAN! That is not fun! Poor little thing. We are very familiar with casts around here, Zac had three broken arms in less than 2 years. They are such a pain!!! I am so sorry! At least it isn't in the summer when everyone is swimming and you can't.

Brenda P. said...

I am so sorry, that is so sad! I hope she is feeling ok, and the casting goes well. I will talk to you soon!
Love ya,