Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Halloween...better late than never (right?)

It has taken me forever to post this, it's amazing how busy life has become for us lately. We had a fun and busy Halloween this year, first the trunk or treat with our ward, then the school dress-up day, and then actual Halloween day, so the kids got to wear their costumes 3 times, which they loved. In case you're wondering...Abby and Jackson were both Ninjas, Krew was a pirate and Paisley was a witch.

Ready for Trick-or-Treating!

Everyone started out excited to carve pumpkins, and Paisley was happy to sit and eat rocks. But, as you can see, not too long after we started, it ended up being a one man show, the man being Darren.

A & J at the school Halloween Parade
Krew at the Trunk-or-Treat
Darren (in his awesome green suit) and Paisley who was sick and didn't feel good
Krew, Nixon, and Parker ( We should have dressed them up like the 3 musketeers)

I seriously have the best girlfriends ever! Aren't they cute!?!? I love them.

1 comment:

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

I've been wondering when you were going to post these! Yay! They are WAY cute! :)