Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Monday!!

I was so excited today I could hardly stand it! Paisley got her cast off. She was pretty dramatic about the whole deal. She was in a super good mood this morning, I think she could tell something wonderful was going to happen. She didn't exactly love the saw they cut the cast with, or the last set of x-rays, but it was totally worth the end result!! A really dry leg and really long toe nails! Just kidding, NO CAST!! Yippee!
A happy baby = a happy mama :)

I bet it felt awesome to have pink sawdust in her diaper! ewww!
She screamed the whole time and kept trying to push the casting tech away, so I had to hold her down

I figured the best way to celebrate was with a bubble bath!! Hooray for clean babies!
It was harder than you would think to get her to stop splashing for two seconds and look at the camera! She had the time of her life in the tub! Stinkin' cute!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Fun!

Wow, I can't believe the holidays have come and gone so soon. It really flew by this year. Darren is already hard at work during his busy tax season, so we especially cherish the relaxed work load of December. Grandma and Grandpa Hill were able to come up for a few days over Christmas. We always love having them stay, the kids were sad that they left so soon! We haven't had any major events since Paisley's broken leg(thank goodness!), so I'll just put some random pics on here for sake of time.

Abby at her first orchestra concert. She did awesome!
So many presents! This is Krew waiting his turn patiently
Paisley modeling her very cute hat that Aunt Lauren made
Jackson, taking after his dad (the whole gun thing)
Abby's big surprise!!

Abby and Jackson sledding at Jolley's Ranch