Sunday, December 13, 2009

Paisley is one year old!!!

I can't believe my baby is already one year old! This last year has gone by way too fast. She has always been such a good baby and we have loved every second we've had her. She is absolutely adored by her older brothers and sister. She's definitely the princess at our house. Paisley was really sick on her actual birthday which was the 11th, so we celebrated on the 12th (so sad!).

This is Paisley on her actual birthday, not much for a party! Poor baby : (
She LOVES this rocking horse from Grandma, she can totally do it herself!
We forgot to have her open the present from us, so here she is on Sunday morning opening it. (I know, we're totally retarded!)
She had more fun with the paper than the toy!

Enjoying her teddy bear cake (really she mostly played in it and didn't eat much since she was still not feeling great)


Angie Stewart Black said...

Wow, all kinds of birthdays for you guys these days! I can't believe she is a year old either. I feel terrible that I have never even met her. What a slacker friend I am. She is so cute and did I ever tell you that Paisley was one of our names that I loved? So cute. Hope you guys are doing well. Hope to see you soon.

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

So fun! She is growing up fast! Wow! Sorry to hear she was sick on her birthday, though... :( That sucks. But her cuteness makes up for it. :)

The Cope Family said...

On my nephews first birthday my sister had to be at Primarys with my neice so I had him. We totally made cupcakes and had a great day. He's 6 now and doesnt even remember it. So she probably wont remember her's either. Love that you forgot her gift sounds like something I would do.
Happy Birthday.