Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hogle Zoo

The kids had school off on Friday, Sept 25th so I thought it would be fun to go see all the baby animals at the zoo. There was a baby elephant, giraffe, tigers, and a crocodile. I don't ever remember seeing that many babies there before. We had a great time. Megan and her kids came which made it even more fun. But as adults, we were definitely outnumbered. Only two mom's and 8 kids! Phew! It's a little crazy anytime we all venture out together, but well worth it to be with our best friends! Love you guys!!! Once again, as you can tell, Jackson was a peach for pictures.


The Cope Family said...

Looks like you had fun. I am thinking next week taking my kids to gateway to the clark planteranium if your doing anything wanna go with us?

Sarah said...

We are going to be out of town, but that would've been fun. We'll have to do something some other time.