Friday, August 27, 2010

Someone help please!!!

So, something is really wrong with my blog.  My page elements are missing, and I can't seem to figure out what the heck is wrong.  I hadn't updated for a few months and when I just barely checked it out a week ago, everything was jacked up! I am missing tons of pictures, and I can't do anything with the template.  Any suggestions?


Tonya Mae Wilson said...

You have the same kind of blog that some of my friends do and if they don't get theirs updated, someone or something from the blog host people goes in and wipes things out. I don't know why they do that or if it is recoverable. I will ask my friend about it...

Angie Stewart Black said...

You may have to go to the blogger help function or even google your problem. I had an issue with mine not updating on other peoples blog and I think I contacted admin and there was a forum board that people would write on that had similar troubles...if you can't figure out how to get me and maybe we can find it together. That is such a bummer....

LuLu said...

Really? It looks pretty dang cute to me. I hope you're doing well.