Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jackson is 8 !

I can't believe Jackson is eight years old already! He had barely turned 4 when we moved in to our house here in Springville. Time has flown by! Since 8 is a big milestone, I decided I should be a good mom and give him a birthday party. We decided to do a "mad scientist" party which turned out to be a total blast! A little crazy with all those little boys, but they had lots of fun.

Here's all the experiment ingredients set up and ready to go.
The "before" shot. I literally spent all day setting up for this party. It was a lot of work, but worth it in the end. Each scientist had his own lab coat, safety goggles, and gloves.
When our scientists arrived they had their hair turned into "mad scientist hair" with lots of spiker and some hair spray paint!
The first task was to see who could build the tallest tower with toothpicks and marshmallows, they had lots of fun with this and played with it for quite a while.
We did a couple of different experiments with vinegar and baking soda, they really liked this one that made the balloons blow up on their own.
The"Jackson's" Judd and Rapier

We made slime, and microwaved ivory soap, (if you've never done that, you need to see what happens!) all of which was awesome, but the grand finale was the Diet Coke and Mentos. Jackson told me later that was his favorite part. The camera was too slow to catch the geyser that erupted instantaneously after putting the mentos into bottle, but it was pretty cool!
Opening presents
After this we had pizza and ice cream cone cupcakes that I tricked them with (it was April fools day after all!)

So since Jackson's birthday was during spring break we had his party a couple days early and then did our family thing on his actual birthday. He requested an orange puffle cake, so here's what I came up with.

Happy Birthday Jackson!


Heather Brinkerhoff said...

what a fun idea! It looks like so much fun, a lot of work.... good job mom! I can't believe he got baptized. Time has flown.

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

VERY cool! What a great mom you are! Where do you get your ideas??

Alexander Family said...

such a cute party idea.