Saturday, June 13, 2009

Abby's cheer camp and parade

Abby signed up for the Springville High Cheer camp this summer.  She didn't want to go on the first day since none of her friends were doing it, but she stayed and when I went to pick her up she was grinning from ear to ear!  She had so much fun and didn't even complain about getting up early  for two weeks.  They learned a couple dances and cheers which they performed on June 10th at their Cheer Spectacular where we got to see all the different age groups perform.  Abby practiced at home really hard the last week and did an awesome job.  Rah Rah!  All the girls that participated got to be in the Art City Days Parade on Saturday.  Lots of fun!
Doin the dance!

Darren and Matt Brinkerhoff chillin at the parade (waiting for the girls float)
Krew and Addi Brinkerhoff, cute kids!
Here they are!  They were pretty hot and tired at the end.
Abby and Ellie Brinkerhoff


Tonya Mae Wilson said...

Yay! That looks like so much FUN! Go, ABBY!! :)

Grandma B said...

Way to go Abby! It's neat that you are willing to try new things, make new friends and have a great experience while doing it. Rah Rah Sis- Boom-Bah!!

Heather Brinkerhoff said...

hey, I need to get these pictures! K, those of Krew and Paisley...hillarious!